O çok sevdiğimiz "Bu siteye erişim engellenmiştir" ekranı bir siteyi daha kararttı, bilmem farkında mısınız? RichardDawkins.net Dawkins website banned in Turkey A Muslim creationist told Istanbul courts the site was "blasphemous" in content A Muslim creationist has succeeded in getting the website of leading atheist Richard Dawkins banned in Turkey after he complained that its contents were blasphemous. Internet users living in Turkey are now subject to a court order which prohibits them from accessing the popular site richarddawkins.net . The court in Istanbul issued its judgement after author Adnan Oktar claimed Atlas of Creation, a book he has written which contests arguments on evolution, had been defamed on Dawkins' website. haberin devamı Vaktiniz varsa şu haberi de okuyun. En önemlisi de, lütfen ama lütfen, Dawkins'in siteye erişimin engellenmesine sebep olan yazısını okuyun: Orijinali: http://richarddawkins.net/article,2833,UPDATED-Venomou...
Garipseyen, Utandıran, Dikkat eden, İnceleyen, Kopartan blog.